My Business Card


I LOVE to be different in a lot of the projects that I do. Whether I'm recording a mix or working on marketing materials, I look to be unique. One of the key elements of presentation is the business card. With so much technology around us, the business card continues to work as a tool. I've always looked to make my presentation professional and making an attractive card is not easy. 

These are my business cards (at least the front of it). Each card has different design making it unique. So far, the reception has been positive and some folks want to take more than one because they love it. Think of it as a collectors item, lol. As you know, the DJ REDG logo has changed, and you will see even more variety in the future.  

When you see me, don't be afraid to ask for a card. Also, the VIP card will be coming soon. 

Project DJREDG 3.0 continues!

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