My 9/11 Story

The only thing I was looking forward to on, September 11, 2001, was leaving school to pick up, JayZ - The Blueprint and Fabolous - Ghetto Fabolous. 

Who would believe that on that day the WORLD would change?

I was in gym class when we heard a loud noise go over my HS in SOHO. The school dean, who was in the gym with us said, "what is that? It sounds like a missile". Words I would never forget. As I walked around the hallway, minutes later, what I saw out the window would leave me speechless. 

At first, what I saw, I believed it was just a tragic accident. Once the second plane hit, I knew the world was about to change. We were all sent to our classrooms, no one was let out. We started to hear that the bridge (can't remember which one) was closed, that there was a b**b on it. Two more planes had tragic endings. With so much commotion going on, my only objective was getting back home to Brooklyn. Not easy when the city is in such a frenzy. 

On that day, I realized that we can't take things for granted and to appreciate what we have. Many lives were lost, to help us understand that life can change in a blink. As  a teenager, I really didn't have a care in the world. Looking fresh, music, and girls was all that mattered. That day forced me to grow up and see that "freedom is not free".

Finally reaching home on that day, being united with my family, to see a country come together, made me happy to see LOVE did exist and was proud to be an AMERICAN.

On our darkest day, together, we shined...

My Business Card


I LOVE to be different in a lot of the projects that I do. Whether I'm recording a mix or working on marketing materials, I look to be unique. One of the key elements of presentation is the business card. With so much technology around us, the business card continues to work as a tool. I've always looked to make my presentation professional and making an attractive card is not easy. 

These are my business cards (at least the front of it). Each card has different design making it unique. So far, the reception has been positive and some folks want to take more than one because they love it. Think of it as a collectors item, lol. As you know, the DJ REDG logo has changed, and you will see even more variety in the future.  

When you see me, don't be afraid to ask for a card. Also, the VIP card will be coming soon. 

Project DJREDG 3.0 continues!

DJ REDG 3.0 (The Level Up)


I would like to share some back story on my new logo. This logo was fully created by me; concept and design. Even though I loved my previous logo and it was difficult to change, I felt it was time to evolve. 

For a while now, I kept seeing a different side of me. A person more focused in taking the name, Dj REDG, to another level and changing the private event entertainment industry. I have been in this business for a long time and I've learned a lot. In working on this change, I wanted something to represent who I am as a person and business. It needed to be elegant, classy, and fresh. In following a similar scheme of colors from my previous logos, this was the outcome. I can easily see this on different branding materials. 

What do you think about the new design?

My website has been re-designed to fit the new change. I'm bringing in together the different aspects of my life with this blog. Some cool projects are on the way.    

This is DJ REDG 3.0 (The Level Up)!

In The Streets (POEM)

I'm the type of person that has to always keep the mind working. Aside from music, I love to write. I enjoy writing poetry and essays. I remember my college professor suggesting for me to write a book. To put my experiences on paper for the world to see. We will never know the impact we can make if we keep it to ourselves. 

This poem that I am sharing,  In The Streets, was originally written for my college class, Jazz 101. The assignment was to write something inspired by a selection of songs the professor chose. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

Background Picture Credit - Leo Burgos Photography